Sunday, June 22, 2008

Welcome Back!~

Hi y'all,

I have away for a long while.....phew!!!! If only you know half the things that had happened to me while I was gone.....Anyway, what am I doing now? Guess what?....I got hooked into PSP lately....anyone played Patapon? Don't know the game?...oh man, you must be out of this world then...Well, Patapon is game that combines light real-time strategy and rhythm making it a one-of-a-kind game that's easy to recommend. Nearly everyone I know got hooked onto the game and it is really difficult to put down once started. Gamespot gave it a 9.0 score and I must agree with it. So if you don't have a PSP now, what are you waiting for? Go out and get one and make sure it comes with Patapon (English version of course!) Need help? no fear just go to any game site and look for patapon forum for help. Enjoy and till next time......happy patapoing!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Movie: The Reaping

Why is it so hard to have a really good horror movie nowadays? One would aspect for a movie to be starring a credible award winning actress like Hilary Swank to be of substance but unfortunately again it is one of the run of the mill devil theme movies in the likes of Wicker Man (Nicholas Cage), Devil's Advocate (Al Pacino), etc.... The Reaping brings nothing new to the genre accept a continuous run of disappointing horror movies that's from US. The movie starts by introducing us to Hilary Swank's character in South America one of her many myth debunking trips. It seemed that her obsessions to debunk miracles were due to her loosing her child and husband during her ordained life as a priest 5 years ago. Yeah you read right..she was a servant of god before she turned into a crusader of anti-god....what else can you say about someone who goes around to proof god related miracles as false? Anyway someone came over to seek her help about a mysterious river turned red after a child accused of murdering her brother by the river in a town named Haven. Well of she goes with her sidekick who by the way is a god fearing man that makes no sense why he is with her considering her mission is to discredit god's miracles around the world. To cut long story short, the whole town is full of devil worshipers and she was called to instead of solving the case of red river, dieing livestocks, grasshoppers, etc...etc..the whole end of the world thing...she was supposed to kill the child as no one else seemed to be able to. You see she was an angel and a second child and she was supposed to end the devil's take over the world. So instead of killing the angel child, Swank got her to decimate the entire community of Haven. By the way as such movie goes at the end credit, she found out that she was pregnant after a lucid sex dream with the devil's priest, and that the child she is carrying is the ultimate devil's child. Now if you think the plots or potholes are your cup of tea then go and watch it.....2/10

Friday, April 6, 2007

Movie Review: Catch and Release

It has been a awhile since Jennifer Garner appear on the silver screen. So as a fan of hers since her Alias day, I was excited to catch her latest movie. However, Catch and Release isn't really a good movie for her come back role. First, the movie is above her losing her fiance at the start of the movie and how she fell for her fiance's friend and finding that her fiance had a child with another woman during their time together. It wasn't a good movie because the pace was slow and the supporting roles of friends of her fiance were dull and especially Kevin Smith (Sam) supposedly the comic relief came across as bland and unfunny. Nothing new from Juliette Lewis, the woman Jennifer's fiance had a child with, just her less than interesting portrayal. the ending was also very predictable and the two lovers ending up in each other's arm. So if you really miss her, I mean REALLY MISS HER, then watch it, if not, wait for The Kingdom, a much better action-thriller movie judging from the trailer. All in a 3/10 from me.

Monday, April 2, 2007

3 great things on Monday....

Today is special for me since I :
1) Installed a new cd player in my car. it is a Kenwood with MP3, WMA, ACC, USB and IPOD ready capability. Was having great fun connecting with my Ipod. I just realized that cd player will have a shorter lifespan since with USB and direct iPod connection, I don't even need the play the cd anymore.
2) Bought the latest installment of Command & Conquer: Tiberium wars. Will install it tonite.
3) Play Tiberium War of course!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

3 great things about Sunday

Sunday is a day for the best about is...
1) Rest
2) Rest
3) Rest

Just do nothing, resting, watch tv, reading, gardening......basic calming stuff....
What about yours?

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollow

This is for the fan's of Harry Potter which I am one! There is an American version, wrap around, UK adult version and children version. I prefer the UK children version, more reflective of the main characters of Harry Potter. Hope it is better than the last 2 books though.

Which one do you prefer?

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Sanjaya - What does India really thinks about him?

Wondering is India really all heated up about Sanjaya on AI? Here is a link to one of the site in India with comments from Indians. Personally he is fun but too bad with all the negatives he is getting enjoy.....his hair-do....

3 great things on Saturday....

Saturday is definitely a great day of the week. No work and all play! Right, my 3 great things for Saturday are:
1) Going to somewhere further for breakfast! With no need to rush for time, going to my favorite food stall further away is a great anytime. Today, we had a breakfast set consist egg, sausage, french fries, bacon, beans, and bread. Coupled with a cup of tea, what a treat!
2) Also weekend is gym day! Time to burn all the calories and work those muscle in! Currently a member of Celebrity Fitness. Will review about the gym next time.
3) Food and food! I know it is terrible after burning off at the gym, we put in the calories again. But that's life right? No fun makes Jack a dull man!

So what's yours?

Friday, March 30, 2007

3 great things on Friday....

Friday always full of possibilities since it is the start of the weekend. Today I am going to catch myself a couple of movies at the latest mall, Queensbay Mall:
1) Watch movies, Unholy Matrimony and Forest of Death, both chinese horror movies. Guess I am in a mood of some oriental scare.
2) Fridays is also good for staying up late. So it is time to party!
3) Hanging out at my favorite mall at the moment, Queensbay, where else?

What about yours?
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